Take a Step for a Sustainable Future!

Personal and Business Carbon Footprint Calculations - The Measure of Being Environmentally Friendly

Calculate your carbon footprint and find out what you can do to increase sustainability. Contribute to an environmentally friendly future. Start measuring now with our carbon footprint calculator.

What is a Carbon Footprint and Why Is It Important?

The carbon footprint is a metric system that measures the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere as a result of personal or business activities.

Simple Steps,

Big Effects

There are many simple steps. These include saving energy, recycling, consuming less meat, using public transport and incorporating other environmentally friendly practices into our lives.

Carbon Footprint Calculation Methods

Calculate your carbon footprint and find out what you can do to increase sustainability. Contribute to an environmentally friendly future.

Different methods are used to calculate greenhouse gases.

The advantages and disadvantages of these methods, calculation processes and interpretation of the results are examined under this sub-heading.

Carbon Reduction Techniques

Reducing our carbon footprint enables us to contribute to the fight against climate change and create a more livable world for future generations.

Benefits of Carbon Footprint Calculator Software

Calculate your carbon footprint and find out what you can do to increase sustainability. Contribute to an environmentally friendly future.


With CarbonIT, you can securely track and manage the carbon emissions produced by your organization.

Emission Calculation

Interfaces within the application and orientation tools you can calculate the emissions of your corporate activities both easily and accurately

User - Role

Each user logs into the system with the authorizations appropriate to their role and can only perform the operations they are authorized to perform.

Results Monitoring

According to the calculation results, the emission reduction measures implemented by the organization and the results of the projects carried out can be monitored on CarbonPress.

Reporting and Verification

With CarbonPress, the carbon footprints of individuals, companies and institutions are calculated, reported and verified in accordance with globally accepted legislation and standards.

Monitoring and Establishment Process

With CarbonPress, organizations can easily calculate and report their direct and indirect emissions on a process and product basis according to current legislation.

Statistical Data on Carbon Footprint

Collect carbon footprint data from different countries and analyze this data to make comparisons Do it. Examine carbon footprint trends and trends around the world, aiming to show the impact of human activities on the environment.


Personal carbon footprint can vary depending on factors such as lifestyle, energy consumption, travel habits and waste management. The average carbon footprint per person worldwide is 4.8 tons of CO2e on average.


Worldwide, carbon dioxide emissions from human activities have been increasing rapidly in recent years. In the 1990s, an average of 22 gigatonnes of CO2 was emitted annually, rising to 36.44 gigatonnes of CO2 in 2019.


It shows that reducing carbon footprint is an important step to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The number of countries setting a net zero emission target by 2050 to combat climate change is increasing.

Measure Your Carbon Footprint, Leave Your Mark on the Future

CarbonIt, just so you know.